Updates & Newsletters from Your Parent Coordinator

Updates for Parents from your Parent Coordinator

 Updates for Parents from PC Feb 2025 vol 10 2

Parents Make a Difference Monthly Newsletters:

Parents Make a Difference Monthly Newsletter

Whats for Lunch?

Make sure to check out the MENU.

What's on the Menu

Download the Feed Your Mind app for your IPhone in the Itunes or Android phone from the Playstore. 

SchoolFood Feed Your Mind 

New York City Dept of Education



SLT Meetings for School Year 2024-2025

PS 34 School Leadership Team (SLT) Monthly Meetings 
Please note that only the SLT elected representatives and SLT invited guest speakers can actively participate.
The community is invited to observe and listen only.

All meetings are scheduled for 3:00-4:00 pm.

Location: Principal's Meeting Room

Wednesday, September 18, 2024 
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Wednesday, January 8, 2024
Wednesday, February 5, 2024
 2-5-2025 SLT Minutes
Wednesday, March 4, 2024 
Wednesday, April 2, 2024
Wednesday, May 7, 2024


D14 Community Education Council

Monthly Calendar and Business meetings:  https://cec14.org/schedule.html



Safety Plan -Alternate Sites

Safety Plan: Alternate Sites

Every school in New York City is required to have an approved safety/crisis plan.  Included in this plan are specific drills we conduct through the school year as well as three alternative sites for evacuation in the event that we had to evacuate our school building.  All PS 34 school personnel are aware of the plan and understand their role in implementing it successfully. 

Our alternative sites are listed below:


71 Meserole Avenue

Brooklyn, NY 11222


JHS 126

424 Leornard Street

Brooklyn, NY 11222


PS 110

124 Monitor Street

Brooklyn, NY 11222

(718) 383-7600

 Safety Plan Alternate Sites PS 34.pdf 

Please make sure we have the most updated contact information on file at PS 34. You can review your PS 34 “Emergency Card” information on School Status Forms & Flows and your DOE parent portal NYC Schools Account NYC Schools Account.

If you need assistance, please contact Ms. Deise Kowalski, Parent Coordinator, Dkowalski@schools.nyc.gov. Or call the main office at 718-389-5842.

Afterschool Programs

Local Afterschool Programs

The PTA has compiled a list of local afterschool programs http://www.ps34.org/groups/4090/ps_34_pta/afterschool
This collection offers a variety of options for families. Check back often for updates.
Is your child being picked up by an afterschool program? Let us know. 
For your child’s safety, it is important that the school is notified of people and programs that can pick up your children at the end of the day.
Parents/guardians who are having their children picked up after school by outside programs will need to notify the school by printing and completing the paper After School Release form 2024 or online https://rb.gy/u5y49k
Please return the form to your child’s teacher or email to Ms. Kowalski, Dkowalski@schools.nyc.gov or before the start of the program.
School Settlement Association Grades k-5
School Settlement Association at PS34 is a school-based program that only enrolls PS34 participants in grades k-5. Families can now begin to sign up online for the 2023-2024 school year. The program runs from the end of the school day to 5:45 pm beginning on September 18, 2023.
How to Apply:
Step 1 - Visit DYCD Discover : Create an account https://discoverdycd.dycdconnect.nyc/home
Step 2 – Search for the program school (PS34) https://discoverdycd.dycdconnect.nyc/program-public
Step 3 - Complete the application and submit.
Please note that application submission does NOT mean your child/ren are enrolled in the program. You will receive an acceptance letter via email from the Assistant Director Jose Flores to confirm that you have been accepted into the program.
For questions you can contact Mr. Jose jflores@schoolsettlement.org or Flora Hernandez fhernandez@schoolsettlement.org

Is your child being picked up by an afterschool program outside of PS34?

For your child’s safety, it is important that the school is notified of people and programs that can pick up your children at the end of the day.

Parents/guardians who are having their children picked up after school by outside programs will need to notify the school by printing and completing the attached release form. Please return the form to your child’s teacher, to the main office or Ms. Deise Kowalski, Parent Coordinator. 

 After School Release form 2024.pdf 

Form can also be completed online https://forms.gle/LKSXQgq5QCq2ydw7A 

For questions contact Ms. Deise Kowalski at Dkowalski@schools.nyc.gov.


PS 34 Grading Policy

Grading policy at PS 34 Oliver H. Perry Elementary School.   PS 34 Grading Policy.pdf 

We believe that a fair and transparent grading system is crucial in promoting academic excellence and providing students  and families with valuable feedback on their progress. Our grading policy is designed to assess students' knowledge, skills, and overall performance in a comprehensive manner.

Our grading policy aims to foster a positive learning environment where students are motivated to excel academically. It provides a comprehensive assessment of their progress and offers valuable feedback for continuous improvement. We believe that this policy encourages a growth mindset, supports student success, and prepares them for future academic endeavors.


Learning & Activities

 Middle School Information for 5th Grade 

Middle School Application & Information

In New York City, most students apply to middle school during their fifth-grade year.
For Students Entering Middle School in Fall 2025 
  • Start exploring program options in the (Middle School Directory.)
  • Sign up for the middle school admissions email list. You will receive more information on how and when to apply as soon as it's available, as well as key date reminders and admissions event invitations.

Middle School Admissions 

  • The updated Fall 2025 Middle School Admissions Timeline: 

    • October 15, 2024: Middle School Application Opens (after school hours)
    • November 8, 2024:Deadline to register to test for Mark Twain I.S. 239 (21K239) and District 21 Talent Tests
    • December 20, 2024:Middle School Application Closes
    • April 9, 2025:Middle School Offer Release 
-Learn more at schools.nyc.gov/Middle
 MySchools tutorial videos—part of our Middle School Admissions Video Series—will walk you through how to set up your account.

Question? Contact:
-Ms. Deise Kowalski at Dkowalski@schools.nyc.gov
-Ms. Michelle Garavaglia at mgaravaglia7@schools.nyc.gov
-Ms. Sade More at smoore60@schools.nyc.gov

Remote Learning & Electronic Communications

NYC Schools Account

NYC Schools Account (NYCSA) is a web-based application that lets you see your child’s academic and biographic information on any computer, phone, or tablet.

 NYSCA - ENG 1,  Polish, Spanish.

The application is translated into nine languages other than English. In the account, you can see a child’s:

  • Attendance • Grades (SCHOOL REPORT CARD) • Assessments (test scores) • Health information (Fitness-gram) • Schedule • Guardians • Enrollment history • Promotion Tracker • Graduation Tracker • Reading Level • Transportation

How to Create an Account:

You can create your NYC Schools Account online at mystudent.nyc . You will need the Account Creation Code that was sent home with your child in a letter with your report card during Parent-Teacher conferences. In addition to this code, you will need the child’s 9-digit student ID number (found on your child’s report card) to create an NYC Schools Account or to add additional children to an existing account.

Parent NYCSA Sign-Up Guide - The guide provides a visual step-by-step on setting up your account. Also, take a look at the video for the setup process https://vimeo.com/497731682 

You can request your child’s account creation code and student ID by contacting me, Ms. Deise Kowalski, Parent Coordinator at DKowalski@schools. nyc. gov

Emergency Alerts

If you are a parent who lives with your child, or a custodial or non-custodial guardian, you can update your own cell phone number and email address in your NYC Schools Account, using the Emergency Contact page found under My Account. The cell phone number you provide will be used by the DOE to contact you directly in the event of an emergency. We recommend reaching out to your child’s school to confirm that their records reflect your updated contact information and preferences.

You can now invite other adults who are associated with your child's school record to have their own account.

You can invite relatives, the babysitter, a neighbor, or tutor, or a parent who lives in a different place, or anyone
else who you feel is important to share your child’s information with. However, as some of this information is
kept private by schools, we ask you to consider carefully whom you will invite. You control how much or how
little information you want to share with them. For more information: NYCSAParentFlyer_2017.pdf 


Connect with NYC DOE

Connect with the New York City Department of Education and get up to the minute announcements on social media.

Subscribe to NYC DOE Email Newsletters and to receive information:

Updates for Parents and Families

Pre-Kindergarten Admission

Kindergarten Admissions

Gifted and Talented Admissions

Middle School Admissions

High School Admissions

Specialized High Schools Admissions

Summer in the City

Sign up.

Health & Wellness

Adult Education

The District 79 Adult Education program
Any adult 21 and older is welcome to enroll in our free program.
Monday-Friday 9am-2pm
Monday-Thursday 6pm-2pm
**Flexible class schedule**
Any questions or concerns contact me via email at OACES7@SCHOOLS.NYC.GOV or cell at 917-612-7831, phone 929-305-3767
View more Adult Education flyer information here  

   Program moved to 92 Throop Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11206 from 790 Boradway. 


Parents' Bill of Rights

Each child's maximum potential can best be achieved through a partnership between parents and the education community.  To foster active engagement between parents and schools, parents have certain rights and responsibilities: 

Parent's Bill of Rights is available in  Polish  English  Spanish 

Notify NYC is the City's emergency alert system. Get notified about school closings and other emergency-related items in several different categories.